There is one question above all others that I believe to be the single most revealing question that one can ask, or indeed have asked of one. A question that strips away all the nonsense, all the confusion and conscious interference that people suffer from when considering any subject, decision or thought process. This question gets directly to the heart of what you are REALLY doing in any given situation, and exactly why you are doing it. This question produces tangible and permanent changes in people more rapidly and permanently than other sentence in the English language.
What difference does it make to you?
Take a moment to take that in.
Every action you perform, every thought you have produces a reaction. Your emotional and physical environment changes constantly, and most of the time without you even noticing. These processes are unconscious and mostly automatic. But they are directed.
Think back to the last time you argued on the internet. What difference did that argument make to you? What difference did it make to you to win? What difference did it make to you to lose? Pay attention to the sensations your body produces. Do you feel anxious when asking this question?
Think back to the last time you procrastinated? What difference did it make to you to procrastinate? Pay attention to the sensations your body is producing? How did you feel? Good or bad?
Your emotional state directly affects your actions. If you don’t know what difference something makes to you your mind will simply decide for you.
What difference did it make to you?
What difference does it make to you?
Take a moment to take that in.
Every action you perform, every thought you have produces a reaction. Your emotional and physical environment changes constantly, and most of the time without you even noticing. These processes are unconscious and mostly automatic. But they are directed.
Think back to the last time you argued on the internet. What difference did that argument make to you? What difference did it make to you to win? What difference did it make to you to lose? Pay attention to the sensations your body produces. Do you feel anxious when asking this question?
Think back to the last time you procrastinated? What difference did it make to you to procrastinate? Pay attention to the sensations your body is producing? How did you feel? Good or bad?
Your emotional state directly affects your actions. If you don’t know what difference something makes to you your mind will simply decide for you.
What difference did it make to you?